Journal of NACAA

Comparison of Struvite to Mono-ammonium Phosphate for Alfalfa Production at Commercial Alfalfa Farms: A Case Study

ISSN 2158-9429

Volume 14, Issue 2 - December 2021

Editor: Linda Chalker-Scott


A three year case study was conducted at two commercial Medicago sativa growers to evaluate the availability of P from struvite or mono-ammonium phosphate (MAP) on forage yield, composition, P uptake, and soil test P. Combined yields and combined P uptake over three years for the two farms was of 38.6 and 39 tons, and 215 and 226 pounds, respectively for MAP and Struvite + MAP treatments. Average content of P in Medicago sativa was 0.29 % for MAP and Struvite + MAP treatments.  Based on this data, struvite was demonstrated to be a comparable source of P for Medicago sativa production under commercial growing conditions.

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