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Applied Research

Mike Haberland
County Agent II (Associate Professor)
Rutgers Cooperative Extension


This program examines habitat use by pollinator species between a mowed turf and an unmowed naturalized area within a dry stormwater detention basin.  Stormwater detention basins are primarily designed for flood control and typically vegetated and maintained with turf type vegetation.  Threatened by habitat loss, disease and pesticide use, the numbers of native pollinators and commercial bee populations have been in decline.  Naturalizing basins using native herbaceous vegetation can provide an increase in pollinator habitat while also incorporating storm water quality benefits.   Allowing the native vegetation to grow and flower enables pollinators to utilize this small scale urban/suburban pollinator “urban refuge,” for feeding, habitat, and for some species, reproduction.  In this study we compared two 600 square foot plots within a 1-acre mowed detention basin, laid out at opposite ends.  One plot is planted with native herbaceous vegetation, mowed once in the fall the other plot is fescue turf grass, mowed down to 1.5 inches every two weeks during the growing season.  Pollinator samples were collected every two weeks using pan traps and sweep nets on alternate days.  Pollinator species were identified and enumerated; plot type usage was compared and typical forage distance estimated by genus.  Results after one year show foraging in our basin by five genera of bees: honey bee and 4 genera of native bees.  The naturalized area was preferred (86%), versus mowed (16%).  Foraging distance was calculated, ranging from 7.8 m to 9766 m for all genera combined, and includes a variety of potential nesting habitats.


Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: M. Haberland, L. Fenner, R. Apgar
  1. Haberland, M. Environmental & Resource Management Agent, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, New Jersey, 08002
  2. Fenner, L. Teacher Naturalist, New Jersey Audubon Plainsboro Preserve, New Jersey, 08512
  3. Apgar, R. Adjunct Instructor, Center for Sustainability & Alternative Energy, Burlington County College, New Jersey, 08068