The County Agent Magazine
The County Agent is published four times per year. Some of the suggestions listed below may be of help in improving the quality, readability and circulation of The County Agent.
- When a member has a change of address, members have the ability to enter into the Dashboard and Select the Edit My Profile Icon to update their address.

3. News articles are welcome from all states. Digital format is preferred for ease of editing and formatting for the magazine.
4. Good pictures that are clean and clear, preferably 5" x 7", may be used at all times. People should be grouped so that the picture may be “cropped”. The description under pictures should definitely carry the name of the state as well as all news articles.
5. News stories may cover information dealing with the state association, the Cooperative Extension Service in relation to the NACAA or stories that may be of educational value to members throughout the Unites States.
6. Recognize our Life Members: special stories often bring old friends together.
7. Agribusiness and county agent stories with good pictures are always of value.
8. When a member does not receive The County Agent, it may be due to an incorrect or incomplete address. Sometimes it is due to states holding membership for an extended period. Therefore, please have your state secretary-treasurer mail dues early in the year (January) and certainly by February 15.
9. NACAA members should be aware that three copies of The County Agent magazine are provided free with each state association deciding who should receive complimentary copies in their state. Complimentary issue forms are available on the NACAA website at
10. The County Agent will now also be available in digital format on the NACAA website.
It is of the utmost importance that each state has an address coordinator to maintain a correct updated membership list, including Life Members. The state address coordinator must promptly correct all address and status changes (including deaths, life members, etc.) in the on-line member database which is accessed through the NACAA web site: . To change the status of an individual to “deceased” – this change can only be done by the NACAA Executive Director – so please send an email to with notification.
In many states, the secretary or another state officer might be the address coordinator, but in most states the office of address coordinator should be a position with no other association responsibilities and be for a term of five (5) years or more. It is vital that every state strive to keep their membership list current and up-to-date, and that members’ names and complete addresses be put in the database as dues are paid. Only individuals with administrative access can edit the entire state membership profiles – please contact the NACAA Executive Director – at to request that access.
An effective state address coordinator may be of great value to the state organization by:
1. Executing membership forms for the state secretary;
2. Providing state committee chairs with addressed envelopes for presenting state and NACAA programs;
3. Creating and maintaining accurate records for all needs.
Upon the death of a current Board member, Committee Chair, Committee Vice-Chair, or a past National officer, a brief report of the passing will be forwarded to the Editor of The County Agent. NACAA Regional Directors and State Presidents are encouraged to assist in implementing this policy. (Revised 12/95)
state secretaries
State Secretaries are responsible to provide the NACAA changes in offices in their state association. State Secretaries’ communication with NACAA should be with the National Secretary.
Officer Changes:
Since each state elects new officers at different times of the year, it is the responsibility of the State Secretary to notify the NACAA Secretary as soon as the state elects new officers and see that the NACAA member database is updated with the new leadership.
1. Officers that should be reported in the NACAA member database include the following:
President Elect
Vice President
Address Coordinator
2. Complete the form found on the State Presidents Page –

Current links for 2025 is: and submit to NACAA at
3. At any time if positions, addresses, or phone numbers change for officers, the state secretary should correct the NACAA member database.
How to Update State Officer and State Committee Chair Listings
on the NACAA Website

Current links for 2025 is: and submit to NACAA at
Dues process
How to Update State Membership Listings on the NACAA Website
as part of the dues submission process
A brief informative video on the dues process can be found at YouTube here:
First you must have administrative access to the NACAA website to update your state’s membership. If you are not assigned access for your state, contact Scott Hawbaker at exec-dir@nacaa.comto obtain access privileges.
Following are directions to update the membership listing:
- Go to
- Once logged in – the heading in the upper right hand corner of the home-page will change to say Dashboard – instead of Log-in. Click on Dashboard
- Scroll down to the applications section – and if you have access to handle dues submission (administrative access) – you will see a green shaded box that says “Dues Application”.
Once the Dues Application is open – you will see a listing of the previous years members.You will have the option to select whether you want to renew their membership for the coming year, or convert to Life Member.If you do not wish to renew a member, you leave their name alone.
If you have members who perhaps didn’t renew membership in the previous year, but now want to rejoin – the 2nd list of members listed below renewing members – is a list of Past Members.Please search for those members within this list.If you know someone is brand new to Extension – you won’t find their name – but if you know they have been a member in the past – you will most likely find their name.If you try to add them as a “new member” and they have the same e-mail address – the website will let you know there’s already a member in the system (either new or old) with that email address.
Adding new members –
At the very bottom of the Dues Application – you will see a green shaded box to add new members:

When you click on that – it will take you to a screen which looks like this:

Add all information as requested.
Then select Add Member to enter another new member.If you only have 1 new member – hit the Save & Continue button to complete the submission.Don’t select Save & Continue until you have all of your new members entered.
- A summary sheet will be available at the last page showing the amount payable to NACAA. Print this summary page and Include it with the payment.
When NACAA receives the check and verifies the amount is correct the website will be updated to show a “paid” status.
For questions or problems with the dues submission process contact Scott Hawbaker via email at or call 217-794-3700.
Voting delegates
Each year approximately 60 days before the next NACAA Annual Meeting/Professional Improvement Conference, the NACAA Secretary will request a list of voting delegates and alternates for the Annual Meeting. The number of voting delegates each state is allowed is based on your state’s membership on February 15 of the year of the Annual meeting/Professional Improvement Conference.
State Secretaries should work with their state officers to select voting delegates prior to time the NACAA Secretary requests the information. Information needed includes: name, address, city, zip code, phone number, fax number and e-mail address.