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Extension Education

Mallory Maher
Natural Resources Extension Associate
Clemson Extension


South Carolina 4-H Jr. Naturalist is a program developed to grow the next generation of environmental stewards through immersive, hands-on learning experiences in nature.  As a positive youth-development organization, 4-H empowers youth to become productive, contributing members of society.  Jr. Naturalist is a nature-based program that takes place in the outdoors, provides experiential learning, and encourages teamwork and stewardship.  The program was initially piloted in Oconee and Pickens Counties in 2017, and since that time, 50 participants representing seven different counties in SC have graduated from the program.  Youth who participated in Jr. Naturalist increased their participation in other natural resources programs on the state level, like the SC 4-H Small Garden Project, the SC 4-H Wildlife Food Plot Project, and the SC 4-H Wildlife Habitat Education Program.  Of the 50 Jr. Naturalist graduates, 42 were able to complete a post survey during graduation.  Results showed 93% of participants strongly agreed or agreed that Jr. Naturalist helped them learn new plants and animals, 88% strongly agreed or agreed that the program gave them a true hands-on 4-H experience that would help them in the future and increased their knowledge of SC natural resources, and 86% indicated that they became better stewards of the environment as a result of participating in the program.  Participants reported what they liked best about the Jr. Naturalist Program was the hands-on and outdoor activities, animals, crafts, learning about nature, and being with friends.

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: M. K. Dailey, T. A. Burns, C Rheas, E. L. Burdine, W. Thomas
  1. Dailey, M. 4-H Extension Agent, Clemson Extension, South Carolina, 29691
  2. Burns, T. Assistant 4-H Director, Clemson Extension, South Carolina, 29634
  3. Rheas, C. Former Natural Resources Agent, Montreal College, North Carolina, 28711
  4. Burdine, E. 4-H Extension Agent, Clemson Extension, South Carolina, 29745
  5. Thomas, W. 4-H Extension Agent, Clemson Extension, South Carolina, 29044