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Extension Education

Jennifer Rhodes
Principal Agent, Agriculture & Food Systems
University of Maryland Extension


\r\n    University of Maryland Extension’s Small Flock Poultry Educational Program (SFEP) provides farm families with educational resources to assist with management decisions as they continue to develop, maintain, and operate economically viable and environmentally responsible poultry operations.  In 2011, a statewide survey was conducted to evaluate the economic and bird health and performance impacts of the SFEP.  Small flock owners used the following extension resources or services to obtain information: small flock workshop (42.2%), extension publications (34.9%), direct contact with Extension employee (27.7%) and small flock website (15.7%).  Forty one percent of survey participants indicated that their flock health and performance improved as a result of what they learned from the SFEP.  Participants indicated an average increase of 20% in flock income for a two year period (2009-2011).Participants were asked to report if they have implemented any biosecurity practices on their premises as a result of the information they received from the SFEP: 41% isolation of new birds, 19.3% isolation of birds after showing, 19.3% controlling traffic, 42.2% sanitation, 26.5% dedicated footwear, 15.7% species separation, 27.7 % composting of mortality, 30.1% purchase new birds from National Poultry Improvement Plan approved hatcheries, and 8.4% provided appropriate clothing/equipment for visitors. 


Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: *J. L. Rhodes, J. R. Timmons, J.R. Nottingham
  1. Rhodes, *. Extension Educator, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21617
  2. Timmons, J. Extension Specialist, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21801
  3. Nottingham, J. Extension Educator, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21853