View Poster Application


Extension Education

Keith Fielder
County Extension Coordinator
University of Georgia


Interest in beekeeping has increased tremendously in recent years due to demand for locally produced foods and expanded pollination needs. Client inquiries concerning beekeeping directed to extension agents has increased in parallel with this surge in interest. This has created a dilemma in satisfying information requests as comparatively few extension agents are well versed in apicultural matters. In addition budget constraints have forced many land grant universities to minimize or eliminate extension apicultural programs as personnel retire. Such cuts have broken the critical agent-specialist link in the information dissemination process. Most land grant institutions do have resource materials available; however, agents without beekeeping experience find it difficult to sort through unfamiliar terminology in an effort to provide useful information to the client. The author has developed an updatable indexed resource manual to provide agents with a basic knowledge of beekeeping terminology and methodology to adequately advise the beginning beekeeper. The resource guide was introduced to twenty four extension agents at an annual extension training conference. The session was accompanied by a presentation from the author on how to utilize the manual along with basic apicultural terminology. The manual is divided into sections covering basic honeybee information, equipment, honeybee acquisition, hive placement, sourcing, association links and training sources. The trial group has provided feedback on clarifications and additions which have been included into the first update. User group commentary is entirely positive and indicates the guide is a much needed resource for the extension agent without a background in beekeeping.


Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

A poster file has not been provided

Authors: K. Fielder
  1. Fielder, K. County Extension Coordinator, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension, Putnam County, Georgia, 31024