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Development of Hemp Production Resources for New Jersey

Extension Education

Michelle Infante-Casella
Agricultural Agent/Professor


Hemp is a new crop for many producers throughout the United States. Recently, the 2018 Farm Bill directed the United States Department of Agriculture to establish a national regulatory framework for hemp production in all 50 states. Rutgers Cooperative Extension Agricultural Agents recognized the need for research, education, and outreach for farmers who were investigating hemp production. The New Jersey Hemp Farming Act was enacted in August 2019 with hemp permits from the NJ Department of Agriculture readying farmers to grow hemp for the . Just prior to the implementation of New Jersey Hemp Farming Act, these agents immediately began answering stakeholder questions, planning field research for hemp, and started working to create hemp resources for agricultural service providers and farmers in New Jersey and others in the region. Two Agricultural Agents on the team were among the first persons in the state to apply for and receive hemp permits from the New Jersey Department of Agriculture. In addition, the team secured grant funds from the USDA Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education, Professional Development Program grant in 2020-2021 in the amount of $39,462 to create hemp production resources and $54,850 in funding from the Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, in 2020 -2021, from the Special Funding Initiative to conduct field research studies and outreach. Through their efforts in hemp crop production the team published two extension fact sheets, published a field production guide for commercial hemp, published 2 referred journal articles, 1 professional conference proceeding article, 8 grower conference proceeding articles, conducted 2 replicated field research projects, produced a podcast about hemp production, produced a video about the Rutgers hemp program, developed a Rutgers hemp website, created and managed a Rutgers hemp Facebook page, and provided 10 presentations to farmers and agricultural service providers on hemp topics. Throughout these efforts the team has provided hemp information, education, and outreach to more than 3,255 persons.

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: Stephen Komar, William Bamka, Michelle Infante-Casella
  1. Komar, S. Agricultural Agent, Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Sussex Co., New Jersey, 07860
  2. Bamka, W. Agricultural Agent, Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Burlington Co. , New Jersey, 08060
  3. Infante-Casella, M. Agricultural Agent, Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Gloucester County, New Jersey, 08020