View Poster Application


Extension Education

Blair Griffin


Cattle producers in Johnson and Franklin counties have benefitted from participation in a Winter Feed Meeting. The meeting was developed in order to reduce winter feed costs and ensure that nutritional requirements needs were met while feeding hay. The objectives of the program are: (1) to determine the quality of the hay that producers had in storage (2) match hay quality to the nutritional needs of the cattle, (3) reduce supplemental feed costs and (4) Stress the importance of grouping their cattle by their nutritional needs.  Eight producers participated in the Winter Feed Meeting and 40 hay samples were submitted to determine forage quality. Participants in the program learned that beef cattle nutrient needs are influenced by animal weight, sex, average daily gain, and stage of production or gestation.  Based on post program surveys, 3 producers planned to continue forage quality testing, eliminate or reduce supplemental feeding, and feed cattle groups based on nutritional needs. In post program evaluations, producers were encouraged by the quality of their hay, and expressed interest in educational programs on management decisions that would affect hay quality.


Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

A poster file has not been provided

Authors: B. Griffin, D.M. Sullivan
  1. Griffin, B. CEA-STAFF CHAIR, University of Arkansas - Cooperative Extension Service, Arkansas, 72830
  2. Sullivan, D. CEA-AG, University of Arkansas-Cooperative Extension Service, Arkansas, 72846