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Applied Research

Van Ayers
Agriculture and Rural Development Specialist
University of Missouri Extension


\r\n There has been an increased interest among farmers and business personnel in developing the agriculture biomass industry in Southeast Missouri. The Stoddard County Industrial Development Authority, with cooperation from University of Missouri Extension funded a biomass study, focusing on Stoddard and adjacent Missouri counties. A survey of 1755 farmers living in Southeast Missouri was conducted. There were 68 responses included in the final report. More than half of the respondents stated they would supply field residue for a biomass enterprise. Those who were not interested stated that a biomass harvest would be bad for the soil. Farmers were more interested in supplying biomass by a contractual arrangement than in becoming member-investors in an enterprise that converts biomass into renewable products. Most farmers preferred three year contracts to supply biomass from their farms. Some respondents were familiar with energy crops. They were more familiar with sweet sorghum than other crops such as triticale or miscanthus.  


Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: V.H. Ayers, J. Parcell, C. Boessen, H. Gedikogle, A. Roach
  1. Ayers, V. Agriculture and Rural Development Specialist, University of Missouri Extension, Missouri, 63825
  2. Parcell, J. Professor, Agriculture Economics and State Farm Management Extension, University of Missouri, Missouri, 65211
  3. Boessen, C. Teaching Assistant Professor, University of Missouri, Missouri, 65211
  4. Gedikogle, H. Assistant Professor of Research, Lincoln University, Missouri, 65101
  5. Roach, A. Consultant, Value Ag. LLC, Missouri, 65211