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Extension Education

Tom Fowler
Horticulture Specialist


\r\n The University of Missouri youth gardening curriculum, Garden ‘n Grow, is used by the area horticulturalist and Master Gardeners to introduce area youth to vegetable gardening.  The goals of the program are to provide youth the experience and success of growing their own food, have the satisfaction of sharing harvested food with others in need, and to have fun gardening.  This gardening program was developed for youth ages 9 to 13.  The adult volunteers partner the youth gardeners into teams as they learn about seeds, transplants, pests, soils, food value, and food needs in the community.  Produce is donated to the local food bank, Second Harvest.  The youth gardeners also volunteered at the local food kitchen.  The adult volunteers expanded the program to reach children who are under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court and are housed at the Buchanan County Academy.  The youth at the academy planted, maintained and harvested their garden throughout the summer.  They also donated produce to the food bank and they prepared vegetables for meals at the academy.  For many this was their first experience growing produce and eating produce fresh from the garden. Participant and adult feedback indicated that the youth learned new life skills and were willing to try eating more vegetables and had pride in growing their own food.




Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: T.R. Fowler, T.P. Baker, L.R. Werthmuller
  1. Fowler, T. Regional Horticulture Specialist, University of Missouri Extension, Missouri, 64507
  2. Baker, T. Regional Horticulture Specialist, University of Missouri Extension, Missouri, 64640
  3. Werthmuller, L. Master Gardener, University of Missouri Extension, Missouri, 64507