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Extension Education

Erika Crowl
Agent Associate, Agriculture
University of Maryland Extension


During the winter of 2020-2021, as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, University of Maryland Extension (UME) implemented its first major series of winter agronomy meetings that were entirely virtual. A total of five meetings were held throughout the State of Maryland. An evaluation tool was developed and implemented by UME educators to include specific questions to gather data on the efficacy of virtual programming and the impacts of COVID-19 on farming operations. A total of 654 individuals participated in the online webinars; 258 participants were evaluated. Over 88% of respondents indicated that they were satisfied or very satisfied with the virtual winter meeting format, and rated their interest in continuing virtual programming as an 8.26 on a 10-point scale (1= little interest, 10= very interested). When asked how COVID-19 has impacted their farms, the greatest impacts were noted in worker safety, access to labor, and stress levels. This data will help UME and other institutions plan future virtual programs and offer insight into how the COVID-19 pandemic affected agricultural producers and their farming operations.


Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: Erika Crowl, Andrew Kness, Bryan. Sr. Butler, Paul Goeringer, Jennifer Rhodes, Dave Myers, Sarah Hirsh, Shannon Dill, Nicole Fiorellino, Kelly Nichols, Jeff Semler, Kurt Vollmer
  1. Crowl, E. Agent Associate, Agriculture, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21030
  2. Kness, A. Agent, Agriculture, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21154
  3. Butler, B. Principal Agent, Agriculture, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21157
  4. Goeringer, P. Senior Faculty Specialist, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 20742
  5. Rhodes, J. Principal Agent, Agriculture, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21617
  6. Myers, D. Principal Agent, Agriculture, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21054
  7. Hirsh, S. Agent, Agriculture, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21853
  8. Dill, S. Principal Agent, Agriculture, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21601
  9. Fiorellino, N. Assistant Professor, Agriculture, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 20742
  10. Nichols, K. Agent, Agriculture, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 20855
  11. Semler, J. Principal Agent, Agriculture, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21713
  12. Vollmer, K. Extension Specialist, Agriculture, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21658