View Poster Application


Extension Education

Van Ayers
Agriculture and Rural Development Specialist
University of Missouri Extension


The Bootheel Local Foods Initiative is a cooperative project between the University of Missouri Extension and Delta Area Economic Opportunity Corporation (DAEOC). The project goal is to increase the overall production and availability of local foods in the six county area of the Missouri Bootheel. This area of Missouri is one of the most productive agriculture regions with some of the highest county gross agriculture sales in Missouri. At the same time Bootheel county poverty rates vary from 15% to 30%. Unemployment in the Bootheel counties averages higher than the state average. Personnel at local groceries, schools, restaurants and nursing homes were surveyed to determine the factors for increased usage of local foods. Local food production was quantified in the region. An understanding of food company’s requirements was quantified and a series of meetings were held to inform farmers of the demand for local foods. Major local food purchasers require farm liability insurance and GAP certification or similar production practices. There are several farmers in the Bootheel region producing a variety of commodities. After the meetings farmer interest in local food production increased, with plans for increased acreage.


Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

A poster file has not been provided

Authors: V. Ayers, S. Denkler
  1. Ayers, V. Agriculture and Rural Development Specialist, University of Missouri Extension, Missouri, 63825
  2. Denkler, S. Horticulture Specialist, University of Missouri Extension, Missouri, 63901