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Direct Marketing Workshops for Alabama Black Belt Producers

Search for Excellence in Young, Beginning, or Small Farmers/Ranchers

Kevin Burkett
Extension Associate
Clemson Cooperative Extension

Team Members: Hall, J1, Golden, W2, East, W3, Burkett, K4
  1. Regional Extension Agent - Food Safety & Quality, Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Autaugaville, Alabama, 36003
  2. County Extension Coordinator, Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Tuskegee, Alabama, 36083
  3. Regional Extension Agent - Commercial Horticultuure, Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Ashland, Alabama, 36251
  4. Regional Extension Agent - Farm & Agribusiness Mgmt., Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Clanton, Alabama, 35046


   Statistics published from USDA Economic Research Service indicate farm businesses with direct marketing sales had great rates of survival than those with no direct sales during the same time period (2007-2012). This coupled with previous Extension workshops in which producers indicated they would like additional information on marketing their products, our educational objective was to provide producers with tips, information, and resources to successfully market the products they grow. There are numerous ways to market what we’re growing and with the increased interest in local foods, farmers markets, and direct marketing we thought it was a great opportunity to reach our producers and provide meaningful, timely education. We decided to have workshops in the Black Belt region of Alabama where producers are typically smaller, underserved and had previously indicated they would like to receive marketing information. In free response sections of workshop surveys, producers commented, “Keep it coming. I learn(ed) a lot”, “Everything was great”, “I enjoyed (the) workshop. I learned a lot. Thank you”, and “Overall, this was a great workshop & more should have attended”. We will not have the full results until we finish the classes, compile the rest of the surveys and even follow up with attendees toward the end of the 2018 growing season. However, we were encouraged by initial results and felt the program warranted talking about and consideration for further educational programs.

Years of CES Service: 0
