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Extension Education

Stanley Fultz
Principal Agent Emeritus
University of Maryland Extension


\r\n In an effort to increase the adoption rate of management intensive grazing (MIG) in Maryland and to demonstrate environmental benefits of water and soil quality and grassland health using MIG systems, a USDA Conservation Innovation Grant was obtained to provide $200 to $300 per acre incentives to transition to grazing. Funding was in addition to other federal and state cost share. Goal was to recruit eight new producers in two counties. Local USDA-NRCS, Maryland Department of Agriculture soil conservation districts, and extension agents provided technical support. Sixteen farmers from three counties participated, enrolling 788.7 acres into the program. Average contract was written for 44 acres. Participants had an average of 125 cows and 65 heifers. Prior to the project, 62% of the farms didn’t graze lactating cows and most of the remaining farms using pasture had 5 days between rotations. All farms now rotate to new pasture at least daily. Tons per acre of soil saved ranged from 0.3 to 8.0 as calculated using RUSLE2 both pre and post MIG conversion for a total of 2,337.9 tons of soil saved per year. In addition, 13,152 feet of stream fencing, 3.6 acres of heavy use area protection, 12 permanent watering facilities and 67,343 feet of permanent non-stream fencing was installed. Extension agents held 28 pasture walks each reaching 20 to 55 producers on project farms with producers from five states participating. Nearly 20% of the producers were new Extension clients. Farmers indicated they would not have participated without the incentive payment. 


Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: S.W. Fultz, L. Lawrence, J.W. Semler
  1. Fultz, S. Extension Agent, Dairy Science, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21702
  2. Lawrence, L. Chief, Resource Conservation, Maryland Department of Agriculture, Maryland, 21401
  3. Semler, J. Extension Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21713