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Extension Education

Mary Sowerby
Regional Specialized Dairy Agent IV


High feed and fuel prices followed by low milk prices the past two years have caused many dairy producers to re-evaluate their overall management styles. In Florida, grass forages will grow virtually year round giving dairy producers the option to eliminate stall and commodity barns and lower labor by rotationally grazing cows. To assist current dairy graziers and those contemplating the change, the Grazing Dairy Extension Support Program was established. The First Annual Dairy Graziers’ Conference was held in April 2009 at a new grazing dairy with over 120 in attendance. Three hay field events have been held to teach growers how to produce quality and quantity forage (40 total attendees). A 2009 Forage Calendar for Dairies was produced and a dairy graziers’ website module is under construction. Also, a Florida/Georgia Dairy Graziers' Group has been formed which meets four times a year at grazing dairies. Besides learning new ideas from each other and Extension Specialists, the host producer of each meeting receives constructive comments. A grant proposal has been submitted to fund financial analyses for participants to use and to compare benchmark factors. Impacts include a substantial increase in acres (over 300) planted to Tifton 85 bermudagrass, (one of the best nutritionally available) which has caused a shortage of planting material. Also, three dairies have converted to rotational grazing based on information learned from this program.

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: M.E. Sowerby, Y.C. Newman
  1. Sowerby, M. Regional Specialized Dairy Agent, University of Florida/IFAS, Florida, 32064
  2. Newman, Y. Assistant Professor, Forage Extension, University of Florida/IFAS, Florida, 32611