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Extension Education

Richard Nottingham
Agent, Agriculture & Natural Resources
University of Maryland Extension


\r\n    A  Poultry Farm Management Training & Certification for New and Existing Growers workshop was developed for potential and existing poultry growers as part of the New Source Performance Standard for the Environmental Protection Agency  Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) permit. This University of Maryland Extension (UME) program was developed by J. L. Rhodes, J.R. Timmons, and J.R. Nottingham, with cooperation from Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), Delmarva Poultry Industry, Maryland Department of the Environment, and Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA). The course includes an introduction to poultry farm management, best management practices, site and production area management and maintenance, mortality and manure handling, state and federal regulation compliance, vegetative environmental buffers, financing, and emergency preparedness. In addition, this program has been translated into Vietnamese and Korean.  Two classes were held in 2010 training over seventy people. Fifty seven percent rated the workshop excellent, and eighty nine percent had a better understanding of a broiler operation. Unexpected outcomes included the attendance of existing poultry growers, government employees (Farm Service Agency, NRCS, MDA and UME), poultry company employees, and bank and farm credit loan officers.  This group indicated that this training would help them have a better understanding of the many aspects of a poultry operation and would help them serve their customers better.




Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: *J.R. Nottingham, J.R. Timmons, J.L. Rhodes
  1. Nottingham, *. Extension Educator, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21853
  2. Timmons, J. Extension Specialist, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21801
  3. Rhodes, J. Extension Educator, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21617