View Poster Application


Extension Education

Salvatore Mangiafico
County Agent
Rutgers Cooperative Extension


\r\n    While there are environmental and aesthetic benefits to turfgrass in landscapes, turf areas have the potential to use large quantities of potable water for irrigation and contribute to phosphorus and nitrogen runoff and leaching.  An education program addressed the association of turfgrass management and water resources issues.  An initial survey of homeowners found that respondents tended to have strong environmental values but also valued lawns for their aesthetic value.  In this survey, fairly high degrees of horticultural knowledge did not always translate into good practices.  Participants in environmentally-friendly lawn care classes reported an increase in knowledge about the importance of soil testing, determining how much fertilizer to apply, and how turfgrass in the landscape relates to larger water resources issues.  More than 80% reported that they were likely to use what they had learned, including having their soil tested, following guidelines for fertilizer application, and measuring the amount of irrigation water applied.  Other program components included demonstration lawn renovations and a webpage with links to extension resources.  The positive response from municipal officials, Master Gardeners, and non-governmental organizations addressed by this program suggests that outreach materials and education for these groups will prove valuable in disseminating information and resources to a broader group of homeowners.


Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: S.S. Mangiafico, C.C. Obropta, E. Rossi-Griffin
  1. Mangiafico, S. Environmental and Resource Management Agent, Rutgers Coooperative Extension, New Jersey, 08098
  2. Obropta, C. Extension Specialist in Water Resources, Rutgers Coooperative Extension, New Jersey, 08901
  3. Rossi-Griffin, E. Program Coordinator, Rutgers Coooperative Extension, New Jersey, 08901