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Extension Education

Kristen Wilson
University of Maryland Extension


\r\n AGsploration – The Science of Maryland Agriculture is a statewide curriculum designed to bolster middle school students’ Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics abilities as it relates to agriculture. The curriculum includes a teacher’s guide with 21 peer reviewed lesson plans incorporating inquiry and experiential based hands-on activities, agriculture based educational materials, and evaluation tools. The curriculum is aligned with the Maryland Voluntary Curriculum Standards and focuses on three main areas: production agriculture, the environment, and health and nutrition as it pertains to agriculture.  In addition, a careers component is included to help youth think about pursuing post-secondary degrees and careers in agriculture and science-related fields.  While written to Maryland Standards, this curriculum can easily be replicated and adapted for use in any state.  The AGsploration team focused on partnering with stakeholders in an effort to integrate this program into Maryland public, private and home school settings, and out-of-school time educational programs.  In 2011, a multifaceted approach was taken to pilot test the curriculum.  This included twenty-seven teens being trained as instructors to teach the curriculum and expand outreach programming.  Another element was the Summer Science Programs where youth experienced lessons, visited farms and learned about agro-science related degrees and career opportunities.  The curriculum was taught in 2011 to over 6,000 Maryland youth.  Initial evaluation data showed that 75% of participants indicated having a greater understanding of how Maryland Agriculture relates to science and 74% showed an understanding of how Maryland Agriculture benefits them and their communities. 


Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: * K.M. Wilson, D. Gordon, A.H. Barczewski, S. Bennett, T. Hutson, S. Pahlman, S. Meagher
  1. Wilson, *. Extension Horse Specialist, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21042
  2. Gordon, D. Faculty Extension Assistant, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 20855
  3. Barczewski, A. Extension Educator, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21921
  4. Bennett, S. Extension Educator, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21043
  5. Hutson, T. Extension Educator, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21601
  6. Pahlman, S. Extension Educator, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21629
  7. Meagher, S. Faculty Extension Assistant, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21050