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Applied Research

Myron Evans
University of Kentucky




\r\n Kentucky beef producers are concerned with the cost of controlling weeds on pastures. Conventional methods are costly and many times ineffective. A study was designed using meat goat females/kids <Capra hircus>as a weed control component co-grazing with beef cows/calves <Bos taurus>. Goat browsing targeted Blackberry (BB), <Rubus fruticosus> and Multiflora Rose (MFR), <Rosa multiflora> and other weed species. This study was implemented for two consecutive years with 120 Boer-cross goats browsing 100 acres (stocking rate 1.7/ac) on mountainous terrain in Carter Co. Kentucky.  The goats browsed on 3 rotated pastures with access to a plot area 4 weeks/12 week browse period. Plots were identified as Exclusion Areas (EA) and Browse Areas (BA). EA was protected by welded wire fence exclusion while BA was unprotected. Goats were given free accesses to BA and treatments were applied to EA and BA composed of 3 treatments per plots each replicated 3-times in a randomized block design (5ft x 16ft). Treatments were Mow (M), Chemical (CH) (Pasturegard 2% solution) and Control (C). A percent plant make up were assessed at the start and end of the browse period. Based on plant percentage weeds per plot EA plots M showed no change in weed reduction, CH was 95% dead BB and C increase in BB 42% during the study period. While BA, M plots were reduced 84.5%, CH had 81.6% dead BB and the C plot increased by only 1.62%. Based on this data goat browse has a positive impact on weed control measures.  


Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: M.E. Evans, T.K. Hutchens, K Andries, J.D. Green
  1. Evans, M. Carter County Extension Agent for Ag/Natural Resources, University of Kentucky, Kentucky, 41143
  2. Hutchens, T. Extension Livestock Specialist, Kentucky State University, Kentucky, 40601
  3. Andries, K. Extension Livestock Specialist, Kentucky State University, Kentucky, 40601
  4. Green, J. Extension Weed Specialist, University of Kentucky, Kentucky, 40546