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Drew County Furrow Irrigated Rice Verification Field

Applied Research

Danielle Dickson
CEA- Agriculture
University of Arkansas Extension Service
DeValls Bluff


The Arkansas Row Crop Verification Program is an interdisciplinary effort among growers, county Extension agents, Extension specialists, and Division of Agriculture researchers. It is a two year on-farm demonstration of all the research-based practices and technologies recommended to maximize the production and profitability of row crops in Arkansas. The overall goal is to verify that management according to Division of Agriculture recommendations can result in increased profitability compared to standard producer practices. The program began in 1980 with cotton. Rice and soybean verification programs began in 1983, followed by wheat verification in 1986, and corn and grain sorghum in 2000.

In the Rice Research Verification Program, the grower agrees to carry out recommended practices in a timely manner. Recommendations are based on Extension Service recommendations and are provided by the local county agent. The county agent visits the field at least once per week to monitor the field situation and potential problems.  The Drew County furrow-irrigated rice (FIR) field was located just west of Tiller on Perry Clay soil. The cultivar chosen was RT 7521 FP treated with the company’s standard seed treatment. The first year of the program, the field consisted of 40 acres and the previous crop grown was soybeans. The field was drill-seeded at 23 lbs/ac on May 4th. Emergence was observed on May 18th with a stand count of 7.1 plants/ft2. No tillage practices were used for spring field preparation.  The field was harvested on September 12th yielding 184 bu/ac and a milling yield of 63/69. The average harvest moisture was 16%. The second year of the program, the field consisted of 35 acres and the previous crop grown was soybeans. The field was drill-seeded at 25 lbs/ac on April 20th. Emergence was observed on April 29th with a stand count of 9.9 plants/ft2. No tillage practices were used for spring field preparation. The field was harvested on September 2nd yielding 210 bu/ac and a milling yield of 47/67. The average harvest moisture was 15%.

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted only for display at AM/PIC. Poster is not to be judged, but the abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: Danielle Dickson
  1. Dickson, D. CEA- Agriculture, University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service, Arkansas, 72041