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Applied Research

Craig Allen
CEA - AGRI Staff Chairman
University of Arkansas


\r\n It has been a struggle for rice producers in Poinsett County and surrounding areas to deal with grape colaspis and rice water weevil.  Grape colaspis is especially detrimental to rice seedlings and causes stand loss, especially under adverse environmental conditions. The larval stage of these insects feed on the plants causing root pruning, girdling and potentially resulting in plant death.  In conjunction with the Extension Entomologist, a protocol was developed for on-farm testing to evaluate the efficacy of three new seed treatments aimed at controlling these two pests.  Large block replicated trials were established in growers fields in Poinsett County during multiple growing seasons.  These fields had a history of reduced stands and yield loss caused by these pests.  The three seed treatments evaluated were Dermacor, Cruiser Maxx Rice and Nipsit Inside.  University of Arkansas recommendations for fertility and crop management were utilized in the trials.  Control ratings were taken at standardized timings.  Results of these studies indicated  increased stand counts, plant height and enhanced seedling vigor.  Core samples indicated a reduction in insect numbers.  Yield increases of 5-11 bushels per acre were also observed.  Further results of this study will be presented to fellow agents, producers, University personnel and industry associates.


Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: C.S. Allen, A. Plummer, G Lorenz, N Taillon
  1. Allen, C. Extension Agent, University of Arkansas, Cooperative Extension Service, Arkansas, 72432
  2. Plummer, A. Program Associate, University Of Arkansas, Cooperative Extension Service, Arkansas, 72086
  3. Lorenz, G. Extension Entomologist, University Of Arkansas, Cooperative Extension Service, Arkansas, 72086
  4. Taillon, N. Program Associate, University Of Arkansas, Cooperative Extension Service, Arkansas, 72086