View Poster Application


Extension Education

Chris Bruynis
Associate Professor, Extension Educator & Area Leader
Ohio State University Extension


\r\n Youth, ages 14 and 15, wanting to operate machinery for non-family members need to become certified in safe tractor operation. The need for a training program was indentified through conversations with 4-H members and farmers in the region. Program objectives were to provide tractor, equipment, lawn mower and ATV safety training for farm and rural youth.  The main curriculum used for this workshop was the National Safe Tractor and Machinery Operation Program Student Manual. Participants were required to complete self study of 22 of the task sheets in the student manual prior to attending the full day training. The workshop consisted of 6 hands-on stations and four classroom sessions. Students rotated between the stations and classrooms to learn and experience different safety concepts and practices. Students eligible to obtain their certification returned the following week to take the exam, drive the obstacle course, and demonstrate safe hitching of an implement. Several community partners collaborated in the planning and delivery of this workshop. Twenty-three youth ages 13 to 17 attended the workshop. Evaluations indicated that participants learned on the average four new safety practices by participating in the workshop. Fourteen of the youth returned for certification testing and 100% of them passed all three sections of the certification test.




Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: C.L. Bruynis, S. D. Jepsen, D. Mann,
  1. Bruynis, C. Assistant Professor & Extension Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 45601
  2. Jepsen, S. Assistant Professor, Ohio State University, Ohio, 43210
  3. Mann, D. Lecturer, Ohio State University, Ohio, 43210
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