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Southwest Pregnancy Diagnosis Program

Extension Education

Savannah Daniels
County Ag Agent
New Mexico State University


Cattle producers make critical business and herd management decisions based on the breed back of their cattle. This pregnancy diagnosis program helps in deciding between keeping or culling a cow, or when a cow will calve. Many ranchers will call in a vet or a certified individual to pre-check all their cattle for a fee. Unfortunately, there are limitations for certified individuals to do this because of a lack of large animal vets and very rural communities. This program serves as a ranch awareness course, to provide knowledge and skills for ranchers, foremen, and cowboys to diagnose pregnancy stages themselves. After this course, participants will have the ability to identify an open cow vs a bred cow. Collaboration between 5 county agents and NMSU specialists to provide programming for 16 participants from different regions of New Mexico.  This clinic was broken into two days, while the first morning was in a classroom with NMSU Extension Specialists, Dr. Marcy Ward and Dr. Craig Gifford discussed the importance of pregnancy diagnosis and different methods. Dr. Ward had an ultrasound and allowed time for participants to look at it. Dr. Gifford then discussed the importance of a vaccination program and Steve Lucero, Sandoval CES, discussed the anatomy of a bovine reproduction tract. The conclusion of the classroom led the class to a feed yard where reproductive tracts were brought out and discussed female anatomy and what to expect to feel. The next day and a half participants palpated cattle that were in various stages of pregnancy. Every participant had the opportunity to palpate about 100 head of cattle. 86% of the participants reported that they were likely to execute pregnancy diagnoses in their operation. 100% of participants reported that they acquired skills and knowledge to help increase their efficiency, enhance profitability, or increase quality of life. 80% of those reported that they strongly agree with enhancing knowledge and skills. 100% of participants reported that they acquired skills to start or enhance their pregnancy diagnoses in their cattle operation. 80% of participants ranked the program as excellent.

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: Savannah Daniels, Jack Blandford, Steve Lucero , Tracy Drummond , Sidney Gordon
  1. Daniels, S. County Ag Agent, New Mexico State University , New Mexico, 88045
  2. Blandford, J. County Ag Agent , New Mexico State Univeristy , New Mexico, 88031
  3. Lucero , S. County Ag Agent, New Mexico , New Mexico, 87004
  4. Drummond , T. County Ag Agent , New Mexico , New Mexico, 87830
  5. Gordon, S. Count Ag Agent, New Mexico State University , New Mexico, 88310