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Growing Forward Farm Agricultural Literacy Project

Extension Education

Bonnie Hopkins
County Extension Agent/Agriculture
New Mexico State University


Data and community needs assessments show that San Juan County faces multiple challenges related to food literacy, obesity rates, youth lack of physical activity, and the need for agricultural career opportunities. Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach integrating education, community engagement, and economic development initiatives.

The Growing Forward Farm Agricultural Literacy project hosted 1,223 fourth-grade students during the spring and fall farm tour events in 2023. Each event included six farm tour stations, which participants learned about through hands-on activities that increased their understanding of agriculture. Extension staff, other community partner organizations, and volunteers led educational programs at the tour stations. The objectives of this project were to connect consumers to improve localized agricultural production through educational opportunities, to create connections between youth and potential agricultural career pathways in the region, to increase and encourage opportunities for healthy living, and to create a demonstration area at the San Juan County Extension Growing Forward Farm that fostered the education and development of agri-tourism operations.

The project helped bridge the gap between consumers and localized agricultural production by exposing students to various aspects of agriculture through hands-on activities. Experiential learning opportunities at the farm tour stations offer students insights into various agricultural practices and potential career options. Survey responses from the participants indicate a significant increase in agricultural knowledge and motivation to implement practices at home with their families.

The Growing Forward Farm Agricultural Literacy project serves as a platform for showcasing agricultural practices, educating visitors, and fostering connections between the agricultural and tourism industries. The Growing Forward, Farm Agricultural Literacy project, continues to make significant strides in connecting consumers to localized agricultural production, promoting agricultural career pathways, encouraging healthy living, and fostering the development of agri-tourism operations in San Juan County. Through continued dedication and collaboration, the project has the potential to have a lasting impact on the community's agricultural and economic development efforts.

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: Bonnie Hopkins, Andrew Foster, Augusta Ahlm, Patience Williams
  1. Hopkins, B. County Extension Agent/Agriculture, New Mexico State University, New Mexico, 87410
  2. Foster, A. Program Coordinator, New Mexico State University, New Mexico, 87410
  3. Ahlm, A. 4-H Extension Agent, New Mexico State University, New Mexico, 87410
  4. Williams, P. Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities Coordinator, San Juan County Partnership, New Mexico, 87401