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Virginia Cattle and Equipment W.I.S.E.

Extension Education

Mackenzie Gunn


In Virginia, the number of women reported as the farm principal operator has increased since 2012, to a total of 16,456 farms totaling 2,043,877 acres (2017), accounting for 40% of VA farms. VA is home to 2% of the nation’s cattle inventory, with cattle ranking 2nd in sales according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) programs and Low Stress Cattle Handling (LS) can increase profits to the cow and calf operation by $100,898,000, and prevent calving difficulties losses of $15,000,000, for the number of cattle in VA per year. Additionally, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the agricultural sector is the most dangerous in America with 574 fatalities, including 19 fatalities in Virginia’s agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting sectors, per year (2018). Accidents and injuries on the farm are primarily due to interactions with livestock or equipment. A Penn State study estimates there are approximately 396 agriculture related emergency visits in VA each year, with an average cost of $1,600, totaling $576,000 in accidents alone.

Cattle WISE was created to educate and empower women to effectively manage cattle and safely operate farm equipment. Dr. Temple Grandin was a special guest speaker on low stress cattle handling. Attendees included 130 participants from 24 counties in Virginia. 91% of evaluation respondents stated that the presenters and information provided was of “Excellent Quality”. 88% of participants indicated an overall increase in confidence in all areas. As part of the program, we held an evening session with Dr. Grandin presenting to 130 participants, including 4-H youth, youth educators, and those affected by autism. Using NC State University’s publication, ‘Learn How to Analyze Cost-Benefits of Extension Programming’, we can see the economic benefit potential of addressing these issues to be $46,935,200. Therefore, for every $100 put into this program over the last three years generates $32,176.10 return on investment. 

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: Mackenzie Gunn
  1. Gunn, M. Extension Agent , Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia, 23002-0229