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Extension Education

Kaleigh Sims
Extension Agent
Clemson Ext


What’s in Our Waters (WOW) Jr. program is a program geared towards teaching youth about environmental scientific topics and our water resources. WOW Jr. was started through a collaborative effort between Clemson Environmental Toxicology graduate students, Clemson Extension, and 4-H as an after school program. WOW Jr. has grown over the past year and the new goal of the program is to introduce elementary age kids to more complex scientific terminology and concepts regarding environmental topics. This has been accomplished through in-class presentations and hands on activities taught by extension staff and college mentors. This past year has been the first time WOW Jr. has had a set curriculum and mentor training about the curriculum in order to increase the program efficacy. WOW Jr. was implemented at two elementary schools, Townville and Central Elementary, which increased our outreach capacity by 500%, going from 20 students to 120 students total across two counties. In order to evaluate the program, we conducted a pre and post assessment with general questions regarding environmental science and water resources that we will compare over the length of the program to see if our lessons were effective. The program started with an introduction to the scientific method and training on how to keep a scientific journal.  The students were to conduct an experiment and come up with a hypothesis, observation, and conclusion, they then utilize this method during each lesson. The topics covered in WOW Jr. are recycling/ waste products, stormwater/ watersheds, erosion control/ gardening practices, and water quality monitoring through chemical and biological data collection. Not only has this program introduced elementary aged students to environmental topics, it has also had a lot of support from professionals in the community that come and help engage the students in a particular topic. WOW Jr. is valuable as it introduces elementary age students to the scientific method but most importantly to environmental best management practices and how to be better stewards of our water resources in years to come

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

A poster file has not been provided

Authors: K. Sims, C. Mcconnell, J. Simpson, M. Dailey
  1. Sims, K. Water Resources Extension Agent, Clemson Ext, South Carolina, 29624
  2. Mcconnell, C. Water Resources Extension Agent, Clemson Ext, South Carolina, 29631
  3. Simpson, J. 4-H Extension Agent, Clemson Ext, South Carolina, 29624
  4. Dailey, M. 4-H Extension Agent, Clemson Ext, South Carolina, 29691