View Poster Application


Extension Education

Melissa Sturdivant
County Extension Agent - Horticulture
Texas AgriLife Extension Service


In West Central Texas, annual precipitation levels average 24 inches and research conducted by the Texas Water Development Board concluded that Abilene ranked 4th in Texas, per capita, in water consumption. Runoff from impervious surfaces, soil erosion, improper use of fertilizers and pesticides, loss of resources from poor irrigation practices, and disease complexes introduced as a result of cultural practices are emerging environmental issues. Recognizing the need to assist homeowners, Agent Sturdivant, assisted by Dr. Steve George, Extension Specialist, developed the annual Earth-Kind® Landscape Design School to teach homeowners about proper plant selection and placement, soil and water management, and IPM cultural practices to ensure sustainable landscapes. The course is six days in length and includes traditional classroom instruction and field trips to local nurseries. However, unique aspects of this program include a soil test and one-on-one landscape consultations. Attendees are assessed using a pre and post survey to determine skills learned and intent to adopt. In 2009, of the 27 enrolled, 75% (n = 21/27) indicated they will decrease their use of fertilizers and pesticides to reduce contamination of water resources. Earth-Kind® practices will result in monetary savings for 96% (n = 26/27) of those surveyed, and 48% (n = 13/27) anticipated savings of $500 each year. Of the 27 surveyed, 63% (n = 17/27) will decrease landscape water usage by 50% using the Earth-Kind® practices. Environmental stewardship begins one household at a time. Presently, 100 individuals have been reached resulting in heightened environmental stewardship and savings for homeowners.

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

A poster file has not been provided

Authors: M.C. Sturdivant*, S. George
  1. Sturdivant*, M. County Extension Agent - Horticulture, Texas AgriLife Extension Service, Texas, 79602
  2. George, S. Extension Horticulturist and Ornamentals Specialist, Texas AgriLife Extension Service, Texas, 75252