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Applied Research

Linda Mcclanahan
County Agent for Agriculture & Natural Resources


\r\n During the spring grazing season of 2010, reports of cattle losses due to ruminal tympany or bloat began to come in from county agriculture extension agents. However, it was not clear at that time the magnitude of the situation. During the week of April 12th, several agents indicated that some producers were experiencing an exceptionally large number of bloat cases in grazing cattle. During this same time, the Farm Service Agency (FSA) also contacted Extension specialists to determine whether or not this situation was weather related and if an estimate of the number of livestock impacted could be provided. Extension specialists formulated a brief questionnaire to gather information that might assist in answering questions posed by FSA and the Kentucky Cattlemen’s Association (KCA). The questionnaire was emailed to the Cooperative Extension Service Agriculture Agent listserv and KCA members. A total of 295 questionnaires were received. At least one completed questionnaire was received from 42 counties across the state. Farmers represented by the survey experienced a 1 % mortality rate due to bloat, most of whom had seeded clover in pastures and had used bloat prevention strategies.


Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: J. Lehmkuhler, L.K. McClanahan
  1. Lehmkuhler, J. Extension Beef Specialist, University of Kentucky, Kentucky, 40546
  2. McClanahan, L. Mercer County Extension Agent for Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, Kentucky, 40330