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Extension Education

Andrew Frankenfield
Agricultural Educator
Penn State Extension


Penn State Extension Educators along with the major full service agronomic retailers in the Southeast Region of Pennsylvania partnered to form the Southeast Pennsylvania Crops Conferences. The objective is to offer pesticide recertification credits and more advanced non-credit crop management educational programs to area farmers in a coordinated effort with industry and extension. Prior to the Crops Conferences agronomic retailers offered dozens of pesticide recertification meetings at the chemical company representatives expense. The conference is a repeated program that is offered three consecutive days and nights in different locations around the region. It is sponsored by agricultural businesses both locally and internationally to help offset the registration costs for attendees. The daytime program begins with a keynote speaker and “What’s new in the industry” session and is followed by three concurrent half hour breakout sessions for five sessions. The evening program is primarily focused on providing pesticide recertification credits for farmers that are not able to attend daytime sessions for whatever reason. In addition to the winter crop conferences an annual summer educational program is offered that focuses on farm equipment. We have partnered with area farmers to host the event on their farms and also with local equipment dealers to demonstrate their equipment and speak about them. Previous topics included: Guidance Systems and Precision Agricultural Equipment, Hay Baling and Handling, and a Sprayer Field Day.

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

A poster file has not been provided

Authors: A.D. Frankenfield*
  1. Frankenfield*, A. Agricultural Educator, Penn State Cooperative Extension, Pennsylvania, 19426