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Extension Education

Robert Goodson
Univ of Ark. Division of Agriculture


\r\n Because of the dependence of glyphosate in row crop agriculture for weed control, palmer pigweed has developed resistance to the herbicide.  This was first noted in 2006.  Over the past 5 growing seasons this has become the major weed to row crop producers.  To combat the issue, an educational program was begun to inform producers of the issue, and then to assist with  control of this weed.  In the early years, educational efforts were geared toward informing clientele that there was a resistance problem.  This was done by testing seed with both public and private entities, verification programs, farm visits, result demonstrations and production meetings.  As the resistance spread, the efforts expanded from informing producers of the problem to educating producers on alternatives to glyphosate.  Efforts included information on residual herbicides, a four county field day, presentations to local civic organizations and even publicity through a national news presentation on ABC Nightly News.  Over the past growing season, two different educational opportunities began.  One was a zero tolerance in cotton, which is where no weeds were allowed to go to seed.  This was done to demonstrate how an intensive control program over an extended period could reduce the number of plants by reducing seed bank numbers.  The second method was using Liberty Link herbicide technology.  The success of the program was measured by the increase awareness of producers to the resistant issue and the number of producers that were following Extension recommendations to control palmer pigweed in their fields.




Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: * R. Goodson, J. Bullington, R. Doherty, J. Meier, K. Smith
  1. Goodson, *. County Extension Agent - Agriculture, University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture, Arkansas, 72342
  2. Bullington, J. Weed Science Program Technician, University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture, Arkansas, 71656
  3. Doherty, R. Weed Science Program Technician, University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture, Arkansas, 71656
  4. Meier, J. Weed Science Program Technician, University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture, Arkansas, 71656
  5. Smith, K. Extension Weed Specialists, University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture, Arkansas, 71656