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Surveying Agronomic Management Practices in Ohio

Applied Research

Stephanie Karhoff
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems
The Ohio State University


The Ohio State University Agronomic Crops (AgCrops) Team was formed in 1995 to address corn, soybean, wheat, and forage producer needs. It is comprised of 40 researchers and Extension professionals representing six different academic departments within the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. The AgCrops Team serves Ohio’s agronomic crop industry by creating educational opportunities, providing accurate and timely information, and conducting applied research. To maintain our relevancy and increase our effectiveness, stakeholders were surveyed to assess growing practices in Ohio. The two main objectives of the survey were to 1.) identify current and emerging agronomic practices in Ohio and 2.) prioritize future extension research and programming based on identified trends. An online 10-minute survey was developed using Qualtrics XM software. Survey questions were customized based on occupation category. Respondents directly managing or advising crop acres were asked a suite of questions pertaining to tillage, genetic packages, pesticide and fertilizer use, precision technology adoption, cover cropping, and other management practices. The survey was directly emailed to 5,685 C.O.R.N. newsletter subscribers resulting in 480 completed responses representing 9 countries and 23 states. Of these 480 responses, 398 were Ohio residents representing 69 out of 88 total counties with an average of five survey participants per county. One example of the type of information gained is most producers plant cover crops for their benefits with less than 10% doing so because of government funding. This informs educators on how to approach greater adoption of cover crop use. Overall, this data will allow the AgCrops Team to identify future research and programming needs and better serve Ohio’s agronomic crop industry.

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: Stephanie Karhoff, Amanda Douridas, Clint Schroeder
  1. Karhoff, S. Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems, The Ohio State University, Ohio, 45875
  2. Douridas, A. Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator, The Ohio State University, Ohio, 43140
  3. Schroeder, C. Program Manager, Farm Business Analysis, The Ohio State University, Ohio, 45875