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NM Southern Regional Livestock School

Extension Education

Sara Marta
Sierra County Program Director
Truth or Consequences


The goal of the Southern Regional Livestock School is to provide an opportunity for youth and their parents to learn the ins and outs of livestock projects to better equip them for a successful project year. Livestock projects are goal oriented ventures providing youth self-discipline, self-responsibility, empathy, character and record keeping skills. Youth and parents will develop a better understanding of showmanship/presentation of their animal, training/exercise programs, day to day care, and basic feeding knowledge. The school is divided into four species specific instructional tracks including sheep, goat, swine and cattle. Each track allows a maximum of thirty participants. Areas of focus include Showmanship, Nutrition, Grooming and Clipping, Animal Health and Animal Selection. At registration youth are provided a school t-shirt and a species specific “starter kit” bucket including halters, hair products and brushes. An optional fourth day to livestock school is also offered as an open livestock jackpot. Youth have an opportunity to present mastery of skill with not only those who participated in the school but with other youth from around NM. For the past two years, Southern Regional Livestock School had a total participation of 245 youth reaching at least five SW Counties. 95% of which indicated they had a deeper understanding of their livestock project after participating in the school.  97% of participants also indicated they were more confident in all components of the school including showmanship, day to day care, clipping and grooming, feeding and nutrition and show day preparation. One individual indicated their favorite component of livestock school was “The feedback and the way I could see results from hands-on-learning”. A parent additionally stated “both of my boys gained so much confidence from the workshop. This was their first year in cattle breeding. There was so much to learn, but the confidence they gained is unexplainable.”

Poster has NOT been presented at any previous NACAA AM/PIC

This poster is being submitted for judging. It will be displayed at the AM/PIC if not selected as a State winner. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.

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Authors: Sara Marta, Savannah Graves, Emily Bruton
  1. Marta, S. Sierra County Program Director, NMSU Cooperative Extension County Program Director, New Mexico, 87901
  2. Graves, S. Hidalgo County Extension Program Director, NMSU Cooperative Extension, New Mexico, 88045
  3. Bruton, E. Socorro County Extension Program Director, NMSU Cooperative Extension, New Mexico, 87801