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Pregnancy Diagnosis Programming for Beef Cattle Producers

Animal Science

Amy Byington
Extension Agent, ANR
Virginia Cooperative Extension
Pennington Gap


Fertility failure in beef cattle herds can be a major economic loss to farmers.  To improve farmer knowledge, comfort level with new technology and options, and increase farm profitability, the Lee County, Virginia Extension Office working with the Lee County Livestock Association and Dr. Mercadante from Virginia Tech to host a Cow Reproduction Bootcamp with 24 participants.  The program used a combination of classroom and hands-on. Farmers learned more about reproduction and pregnancy detection options. The Cattle Reproduction Bootcamp taught farmers how to collect blood and use chute side pregnancy tests.  Pregnant and open reproductive tracts were also utilized to teach farmers.  Participants were given an evaluation at the conclusion at the event.  Ninety-five percent of participants shared that their confidence in making reproduction decisions had increased.  In addition, all participants shared that they would be incorporating skills and knowledge that they obtain from the course in their farms. 

Authors: Amy Byington
  1. Amy Byington Extension Agent, ANR, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia, 24277