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Effectively Promoting Your Extension Program

Early Career Development

Jenny Carleo
Area Specialized Agent
NC Cooperative Extension


How can Extension compete for our farmers' time and attention when they are pulled in so many directions?

As Extension Agents we need to incorporate a marketing plan into our outreach efforts. It is no longer viable to simply be a trusted resource. We now need to be known as a trusted resource. A strategic and wide-reaching Program Marketing Plan can help promote our efforts in a meaningful way that will increase participation in our programs and further our educational reach. A marketing plan goes beyond using social media as a marketing tool. We need to thoughtfully execute our marketing efforts in a way that proves to our clients that taking the time to participate will be worth it. This presentation will teach the basics of event marketing and help participants consider their "Customer Value Proposition", Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Place and Promotion) and give tips on how they can efficiently and effectively market programs to their target audience. This presentation will use real-world examples from my experiences as an Agricultural Agent. It will be interactive and encourage attendee participation in the dialogue. Participants will gain a better understanding of how to effectively market their Extension programs including practical ideas that they can use immediately upon returning to their home states after the conference.

Authors: Jenny Carleo
  1. Jenny Carleo Area Specialized Agent, NC State Extension, North Carolina, 28687