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Free Senior Center Farmers’ Markets During COVID-19

Horticulture & Turfgrass

Katie Wagner
Horticultural Agent
Utah State University
Salt Lake City


Free farmers’ markets were held at Salt Lake County senior centers to provide fresh produce to low-income and food insecure seniors during COVID-19. Extension Master Gardener volunteers donated excess produce and were highly effective at packing and distributing food at markets. The farmers’ market program was adapted by moving markets outside during the pandemic to ensure the safety of seniors and volunteers. Direct-to-consumer dissemination enabled the program to reach target audiences without relying on third parties. In 2020 and 2021, the program provided 3,200 seniors with 17,000 pounds of fresh produce during 53 markets. A 2021 survey found the majority of respondents saved time (89%) and money (95%) due to the markets and the markets increased respondent's consumption (99%) and access (99%) to fresh produce. The farmers’ market program provided healthy food and positive social interaction which improved the lives of seniors disproportionally impacted by COVID-19.

Authors: Katie Wagner
  1. Katie Wagner Horticultural Faculty, Utah State University Extension, Utah, 84114