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Creating an Extension Internship Program

Leadership and Administrative Skills

Shannon Dill
Extension Educator - AGNR
University of Maryland Extension


The next generation of the agriculture workforce will face complex socio-environmental problems across agricultural and natural resource disciplines. To address this need University of Maryland Extension (UME) launched a summer internship program to provide meaningful and technical skills for the future through a USDA NIFA grant. Annually, seven interns, paired with mentors, gain hands-on experience in applied research and Extension activities, participate in training, and build networks. The internship is a ten-week, full-time program with objectives to 1) Provide experiential learning opportunities in Extension and agricultural research to undergraduate students, including those at community colleges and underserved institutions 2) Develop internal hiring and mentorship skills in UME Faculty; 3) Increase the career-readiness and leadership skills of student interns, and 4) Increase the number of students from these institutions continuing their education and entering the agricultural workforce.

To date UME has hosted 16 undergraduate interns from 12 institutions (4 Two Year Colleges, 2 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)). Pre-internship orientation and training begin before the intern's start date in preparation for success when engaging in UME activities. Weekly connections are two hours long, containing ten career readiness modules and a guest lecture series of industry professionals. Interns are required to complete a weekly blog post and a final presentation. These activities are designed for the interns to reflect on their internship experience and create supporting materials for their professional resumes and networks.

Evaluations report increased knowledge in the following areas: Critical Thinking/Problem-Solving skills increased by 47%, Oral/Written Communication skills increased by 26%, Teamwork/Collaboration skills increased by 16%, Information Technology Application increased by 15%, Leadership skills increased by 15%, Professionalism/Work Ethic skills increased by 20%, Career Management skills increased by 17 % and Global/Intercultural Fluency increase by 9%.  As a result of this internship: 75% plan to continue higher education, 87% plan to graduate from their current degree program, and 75% plan to explore agriculture career options. In the six months following the internship, 100% of interns reported YES to using critical thinking, oral/written communication, teamwork/collaboration, and professionalism/ethics skills they developed during the internship.

Authors: Shannon Dill, Nicole Fiorellino, Andrea Franchini, Amanda Grev
  1. Shannon Dill Extension Educator - AGNR, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21601
  2. Nicole Fiorellino Extension Specialist - PSLA, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21658
  3. Andrea Franchini Program Coordinator - AgFS, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21201
  4. Amanda Grev Extension Specialist - AgFS, University of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21756