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Reviving Women in Agriculture Programming in Your State to Meet Underserved Audiences

Agricultural Issues

Charlotte Maxwell
Extension Agent
Clemson Cooperative Extension


We hear some statistics repeated about the current and future state of agriculture and land: the amount of land owned and managed by the Silent and Boomer generations that will be transitioning to the next generation, people wanting local food and returning the farm, and the increasing number of women who are primary operators. Are we, as Extension Agents, recognizing the shift in audience and adapting to learn and meet their needs? In South Carolina alone, the number of female producers increased by roughly 25% between 2012 and 2017, and in the 2022 census, the number of female hired managers increased by 22%. The growing audience of female producers prompted the revitalization of the SC Women’s Agricultural Network (SC WAgN) to serve as a dedicated group of Extension personnel to address and meet their needs.  The SC WAgN Committee of Agents and personnel across program teams was formed in 2020 and the group has rebranded and worked to offer collaborative programming. Three statewide women-focused programs already existed in the state at the time- Annie’s Project (Agribusiness), Ladies Engaged in Agriculture Development (LEAD, Livestock & Forages), and SC Women Owning Woodlands (WOW, Forestry & Wildlife). An initial needs assessment was sent out in October 2020 to contacts from these programs and the initial SC WAgN list. This needs assessment also served as an interest survey to learn more about our audience. 186 individuals completed the survey, and 58.2% had never attended a Clemson Extension program focused on women in agriculture. With the initial needs assessment and discussions from the committee members, the group started planning programs that would interest farmers of all experience levels, scales, and enterprises. In the last four years, SC WAgN has held three nine-episode seasons of Webinar Wednesday Lunch & Learns, offered farm safety events and farm tours, started a statewide women in agriculture conference, and launched new social media campaigns.  The SC WAgN list has grown from 91 individuals to 944 and counting. The purpose of this presentation will be to discuss and share methods of reaching audiences that have not traditionally attended Extension programming.

Authors: Charlotte Maxwell
  1. Charlotte Maxwell Extension Agent, Clemson , South Carolina, 29526