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Agronomy & Pest Management

Jarrod Miller
Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of Maryland Extension
Princess Anne


The utilization of manure as a nutrient source can be limited in sensitive watersheds. On the Delmarva Peninsula some soils are considered to be saturated by phosphorus (P), and may be restricted from any future P additions. An alternative use, such as energy production, must be implemented so manure does not become a liability. One manure to energy process is pyrolysis, of which biochar is a byproduct. Biochar has potential as both a fertilizer and carbon sequestration agent. We set up a ryegrass greenhouse experiment with biochar produced from five manure sources: dairy, beef, poultry, swine, and turkey. Ryegrass yield were generally similar whether biochar or chemical fertilizers were used. Therefore, biochars have the potential to still supply P for crop needs. Due to the lower weight of biochar compared to the initial feedstock manure, transportation costs can be cheaper, assisting in exporting the P from nutrient sensitive watersheds. Authors: Hunt, P.G., Cantrell, K.B., Miller, J.O.
  1. Hunt, P.G. Retired Research Leader, USDA-ARS, South Carolina, 29501
  2. Cantrell, K.B. Agricultural Engineer, USDA-ARS, South Carolina, 29501
  3. Miller, J.O. Agent, Agriculture And Natural Resources, University Of Maryland Extension, Maryland, 21853