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Comparative Analysis of Bedding Sources Used in Composting Pen-Pack Cattle Manure

Animal Science

Eric Richer
Assistant Professor
Ohio State University Extension


Ohio cattle producers have several bedding sources to choose from when bedding in confined animal housing systems. Among them are sawdust, wheat straw and cornstalk fodder. According to USDA-NASS 2018 data, Fulton-Henry-Williams Counties, Ohio are home to nearly 60,000 head of cattle and calves annually.  It is estimated that over 90% of the manure produced on these farms is in the bedded pack or solid form. This multi-site, on-farm study sought to evaluate the impact of these bedding sources on nutrient density in composted pen-pack cattle manure. Additional goals of the study were to measure pre- and post-composting weights and volume as to encourage producers to transport nutrients to more distant fields.

The research involved each farmer weighing manure before and after composting, turning compost with a commercial compost turner in a windrow, intensely sampling each windrow, and then transporting the nutrients to a desired low phosphorus field. Several replicated agronomy trials were conducted. Case studies were used for economic analysis of the process.

This presentation will summarize the results from 20 sites over three years in Fulton and Henry Counties in Ohio.  Preliminary aggregated data shows a straw-based compost has a significantly higher phosphorus and potassium density, whereas, sawdust-based compost has a significantly higher total nitrogen density. After only an average of eight weeks of composting, manure volume was reduced by 28% and weight was reduced by 53%. The impact of the research informs cattle producers of the increased nutrient density based on bedding source and the increased value that composting manure provides to an operation. Several cooperators have made changes to their manure handling procedures to benefit from the knowledge gained from this research. To date, this research has been shared across seven Extension outreach events involving 396 clients.

Authors: Eric Richer, Alan Leininger, Kendall Lovejoy, Glen Arnold
  1. Eric Richer Assistant Professor and Field Specialist, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 43545
  2. Alan Leininger Extension Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 43545
  3. Kendall Lovejoy Extension Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 43567
  4. Glen Arnold Professor and Field Specialist, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, 45840