Journal of NACAA

Introducing the Concept of Prescribed Fire as a Natural Resource Management Tool in a Non-Traditional Burning Area of Texas

ISSN 2158-9429

Volume 4, Issue 1 - June 2011

Editor: Linda Chalker-Scott


The application of prescribed fire can be an effective natural resource management tool and assist in mitigating wildfire danger.   North-east Texas is an area where landowners have not typically utilized prescribed fire even though they are dealing with natural resource issues that fire could remedy.  Issues such as brush encroachment, wildfire danger and habitat restoration are widespread.  A 6.5 hour workshop was held in January 2011 in Navarro County to provide technical training to landowners, managers, agency personnel and fire responders.  The workshop was attended by 108 participants representing 95,492 total unique acres (71,541 private acres and 23,951 public acres) in 27 counties in north-east Texas.  Participants were surveyed using retrospective post evaluations for changes in knowledge, perceptions and impact.   When asked if the training would assist in applying future prescribed burns, 90.8% indicated it would.  Eleven participants expressed an interest in week-long certification training.  Since the training, 3 landowners in Navarro County have conducted 4 prescribed burns on 127 acres.  This training sought to facilitate communication between stakeholders and equip landowners and managers with skills to apply prescribed fire as a natural resource management tool.

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