Journal of NACAA

Drinking Water Quality From Stream, Pond, And Well Sources For Cattle In North Georgia, USA

ISSN 2158-9429

Volume 15, Issue 1 - June 2022

Editor: Linda Chalker-Scott


Water samples were taken at cattle farms over a two year period to compare sources, promote awareness of drinking water quality issues, and assist with water management decisions. Troughs supplied with well water had the highest percentage of samples meeting the recommended levels for physical and chemical contaminants (77%). Ponds and streams had the fewest number of samples meeting such recommendations (25% and 18%, respectively). The highest fecal coliform bacteria counts occurred in troughs in high density corrals (6333 MPN/100ml average). Pasture troughs had higher average fecal coliform counts (436 MPN/100 ml) than streams (354 MPN/100 ml) and ponds (118 MPN/100 ml). Trough maintenance practices were recorded at farms to help better understand fecal coliform control measures in cattle drinking water.

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